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Book List

Name of Book

Type of book (e.g., Narrative)

Age Range

Synopsis of Book


Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault

Concept (Alphabet and Rhyming)

2 – 5 year-olds

Each letter of the alphabet climbs to the top of the coconut tree in order. Every time the tree runs out of room – “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” is chanted.


My First Baking Book by Becky Johnson *Dramatic Play Center


4 – 8 year-olds

This book features 50 recipes for kids to bake and eat! Becky Johnson, the author, once worked as a chef in London and lots of these recipes come from her! Yet, they are worded in a kid-friendly language with clear, easy to follow steps.


Little Chef by Elisabeth Weinberg and Matt Stine *Dramatic Play Center


4 – 6 year-olds

“Little Chef” A.K.A. Lizzie prepares her grandmother’s favorite meal. At the end of the story, there is a child-friendly recipe for the readers to help bake at home. One of the authors, Elisabeth Weinberg herself, is a graduate of the French Culinary Institute, she has a bakery in New York City, and has even appeared on  Food Network.


Marigold Bakes a Cake by Mike Malbrough *Dramatic Play Center


5 – 9 year-olds

Marigold the cat enjoys spending Mondays baking cakes. However, this particular Monday’s cake baking session is interrupted by birds. This book is both humorous and fun. It also teaches children about aspects of baking such as staying organized, following recipes, wearing an apron, and using various ingerdients.


Eat Your Colors by Amanda Miller *Dramatic Play Center


1 – 4 year-olds

This book is full of colorful, attention-getting images of foods of differing colors! It is intended to teach toddlers the basics about nutrition and healthy eating, while exposing them to a variety of new foods.


The Seven Silly Eaters by Mary Ann Hoberman *Dramatic Play Center


4 – 7 year-olds

These seven siblings might be the world’s pickiest eaters. As the story progresses, they come up with a way to surprise their unsuspecting mother.


Baking Day at Grandma’s by Anika Denise *Dramatic Play Center

Concept (Rhyming)

1 – 3 year-olds

This story features three bear siblings who cannot wait to go to their grandma’s house to spend the cold winter day baking. This book touches on the concept of sharing and informs its readers of the basics of baking. It also features a fun rhyming pattern.


Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems


5 – 7 year-olds

This story begins with a bus driver asking the reader of the story to keep the pigeon from driving the bus while he steps away for a moment. Throughout the story, the pigeon tries convincing the reader to let him drive the bus.


Alphabet Under Construction by Denise Fleming

Concept (Alphabet and Rhyming)

2 – 5 year-olds

This story moves through the alphabet from A to Z. Each page depicts a letter being constructed in a unique way. This book is great for introducing the students to new vocabulary.


Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak


5 - 8 year-olds

Max falls asleep in his room and dreams up a magical world. This world provides him an escape from his mother’s strict rules. He ends up meeting enormous, wild creatures. Max has no fear at all! This leads the creatures to believing Max is the wildest of them all, and they crown him king. Under his rule, the world becomes even more crazy. It gets out of control. Just like his mother, Max implements strict rules to reign in the wildness. With a new sense of admiration for his mother, Max decides to return home.


*Dramatic Play Center books go along with the Itty Bitty Bakery Themed Dramatic Play Center I have created.

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